
Brain injury icon
Brain injury icon

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  • Creation and distribution of the Family Caregiver Guide.
  • Creation and maintenance of a TBI surveillance database.
  • The DOD has further solidified TBICoE's role by naming it the Office of Responsibility for these tasks: TBICoE develops educational materials for military and civilian providers, and for service members, veterans, and their families.

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    TBICoE works at the macro-level, screening and briefing service members heading into theater, performing pre-deployment provider training at military hospitals and clinics, gathering data mandated by Congress and DOD, and overseeing research programs. To accomplish the mission, TBICoE supports, trains and monitors service members, veterans, family members and providers who have been, or care for those who are affected by traumatic brain injury. TBICoE unifies a system of TBI health care, reliably advancing the science for the warfighter and ready to meet future brain health challenges More About Our Mission Principal organization to lead, translate, and advance brain health Mission Here, you'll find TBI clinical tools, educational resources, and research information. Welcome to the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence. A better understanding of how TBI - mild and severe - manifests, can lead to better identification of biomarkers, and the development of prevention and treatment strategies.TBI Educators Research A Head for the Future To improve prevention and therapy, we need to conduct further clinical research to evaluate and validate better strategies for diagnosis and disease characterisation.

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    The manifestations and effects of TBI are varied and impact diverse populations. TBI - a form of acquired brain injury that occurs when trauma causes damage to the brain - can occur as a result of vehicle collisions, falls, recreational activities, exposure to explosive blasts and participation in athletics. Evidence suggests that TBI may also be a risk factor for later neurological and neurodegenerative disease - such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As traumatic brain injury (TBI) becomes more prevalent in the global population due to advancements made in its diagnosis, it is emerging as a major cause of disability and death, as well as a burden on healthcare systems and economies.

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